Case Study
Assisting a US based company who is a leader in providing Release-of-Information, Audit Tracking and Document Management solutions to hospitals and out-patient facilities.
The client has one of the most innovative and high-tech electronic platform to provide various Disclosure Solutions to its customers. Due to the quality and cost effectiveness of their solution they are attracting many large and medium-sized hospitals and out-patient facilities to become their customers. The problem was their current staff level was not ready to cater to this increased demand leading to:
- Unsatisfied customers and end consumers for lack of attention
- Strained staff leading to loss of focus on other activities
- Increase in temporary payroll leading to reduced profitability
- Slow ramp up due to the predominance of part-timers
- Delayed request fulfillment time
The client's core business was to serve its customers through state-of-the-art electronic platforms. While the servicing of their customers was extremely critical, it was a highly repetitive, mundane process that could be outsourced to an organization which possessed diligent and trustworthy employees, who could process these requests in a timely fashion.
Enter Pratyin
Pratyin possessed thorough knowledge of this industry due to their own solutions in the field of telecommunication and telemedicine.
With its proprietary Delivery Methodology
Pratyin's project managers and experienced employees worked closely with the client employees to ensure seamless transition of this process to our secured facility in a Mumbai suburb. We implemented policies to safeguard the sanctity of their data and customer information. We used our proprietary delivery methodology to enhance the quality and timeliness of the output.
Leading to improved KPIs for the client
- Less than a day's turnaround time for new Requests
- Significant reduction in variable costs for fulfillment
- Highly efficient team members led to increased productivity and reduction of team size
- Near zero error level
- Negligible incremental training cost for client personnel
And finally
A very satisfied client who has increased its own business development budget to close significantly more business being fully cognizant of the dependability and commitment of our team and its support.